Medi Taylor
Piano & Music Theory
Medi has been playing for nearly 20 years and is a skilled pianist and amazing teacher. Medi teaches up to grade 6 piano and music theory, whether you are a new starter or someone coming back to play the piano, Medi will help you find a way to get the very best out of your potential. Medi specialises in teaching younger players in highly supportive and encouraging ways, and also teaches in both Welsh and English.
Medi works a lot with popular and modern classical music and this influences her own playing and teaching techniques, Medi is also experienced in working with young children and people with learning disabilities, with her lessons starting from 3 years old and up, teaching piano and music theory. She joined the AngleseyMusic team in 2018 as a new teacher but has been so well accepted by students and shown her dedication to and ability in teaching, she is now an integral part of our business and development team.
Medi also has a degree in Welsh Language therefore her Piano lessons are available in both Welsh and English, based in our fully equipped and dedicated practice room here in Bryngwran.
Summer 2018 saw Medi burst into live performance as a solo pianist in a performance that those who saw it still remember, although rapidly "retiring" due to stage nerves. Medi is a highly skilled pianist, a great teacher and can help you or your young ones unlock their inner musician in her supportive and gentle way. Tap the button below to book your lesson.
Lesson availability:
Teaching every weekday after school and evening
Piano available from 3 years old